After More than FIFTEEN YEARS, (Of me PAYING for this
site every month!) My
Website Host has elected to NO LONGER ALLOW ME TO UPDATE THIS SITE!!!! (Windstream!!!) (They gave me
the "option" of either totally deleting this site and start all over by making a whole NEW site, and/or I can KEEP
PAYING for this site to "stay up", but I will NEVER be able to update it or do ANYTHING AT ALL with it, after 12
Feb., 2019!!)
Because of that, I will
no longer be able to update this site or do ANYTHING AT ALL on it. If you are interested in finding out what critters I may "currently" be raising or selling, please EMAIL
me and ask. THANK YOU to all my loyal and REPEAT CUSTOMERS through the years. I appreciate you
all. I'm sorry I can no longer have a website to make it easy for you to "find" me.

This site is under constant construction. Please bookmark and check back here often to see what's new. Thanks.
I also raise & sell: Appaloosa Horses, Miniature Appaloosa Horses, Miniature Jersey Cattle, Dexter Cattle, Dexter x Mini Jersey cross cattle, occasionally other
Mini or small Cattle, & Milk Stock Goats.
I raise and sell ApHC registered Appaloosa's. Many of my Appaloosa's are
also registered with the ICAA and the AApA. Several are eligible for FAHR, Sundance 500, and other registries.
I concentrate on breeding Appaloosa to Appaloosa and avoiding any/all outcrosses. I believe the Appaloosa
is a PURE breed and not some "mutt" horse with (or without!) Spots on it. In my
breeding program, I don't try to "Follow the Crowd" and only breed the "big names". I try to "Follow
my Heart" and breed for the HEALTH, sanity, conformation, good hooves, gentleness, color, and the other things that ANY
good horse should have! I'll put many pictures and pedigrees on this site, of my Appaloosa's
and you can see for yourself the type of Appaloosa's I'm breeding and/or breeding for. Some of the pedigrees will
have the "big names" in them. Some will not. However, each and every Appaloosa here is an individual and is it's
OWN HORSE, not just a name in a pedigree. They are all gentle, sane, have great hooves, good conformation and are healthy.
They are raised in a pasture situation, like a horse should be, and my stallions pasture breed my mares, like nature intended.
Most of my Appaloosa's are COLORED, tho of course, there will always be a few "bashful" ones who keep their
spots on the "inside" and out of sight. But you can still see the Appaloosa in them just by their wonderful temperament!
I currently have one Appaloosa who shuffles (does the "Indian Shuffle") and I am trying to get it "bred into"
my herd. I love my Appaloosa's and I hope that when you look at these pictures and pedigrees,
you will, too! If you have any questions or would like to purchase one of my Appaloosa's,
please contact me at: AppyHorsey@windstream.net Thanks! Enjoy! Missouri
If you can Dream it... |

An APPALOOSA can DO it!! |
EXTENDED PEDIGREES for my Horses can be found on the "DelMar Pedigree/All Breed Database" Site:
Click here for "DelMar Pedigree" site!
All of our Horses and Dogs are Permanently Identified with the AVID MICROCHIP.
CLICK HERE FOR: AVID® MICROCHIP I.D. SYSTEMS (800) 434-2843 http://www.avidmicrochip.com/
"KRA Top Hand Hope" (filly) scratching! |

Click picture for bigger view in another window. |
"Lorrie's Last Chance" (mare) |

Chance (with Malia & Eagle) |
"Joholer's Nite Wind" (Stallion) |

"Jo" at 2yrs. old. "Jo" is a "SnowCap" Appaloosa stallion. |
"DJW Li'l Wapiti Eagle" (Filly) |

"Eagle" at 1yr. old. |
"Sweety's Shadow" (Mare) |

Sweety is a "FewSpot" Appaloosa mare. |

Appaloosa Stallion, "Jo" walking in pasture snow. 12/2006. |
DW Malia's Legacy |

"Malia" is a granddaughter to my first Appaloosa - "Malia Muncy" |
Questions or comments? Email me at:
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Free Site Map Generator
Appaloosa's & Pets www.appyhorsey.com
Appaloosa Horses, Miniature
Appaloosa Horses, Miniature Jersey Cattle,
Dexter Cattle, & Miniature Jersey X Dexter Cross Cattle. (Other Breeds & other Critters Occasionally.)
For SALE in Missouri.

This Site built (on 4 November, 2003) and maintained by "AppyHorsey" (Deloris J. Willis) on my Apple iMAC computer!
