AppyHorsey's Appaloosa's & Pets


Miniature Stallions
Miniature Mares
Miniature Horses for SALE
Miniature Jersey Bulls
Miniature Jersey Cows
Dexter Cows
Dexter Bulls
Mini Jersey x Dexter CROSS Cows
Mini Jersey x Dexter CROSS Bulls
Calves & Cattle FOR SALE
"Milk Stock" GOATS
DW Malia's Legacy *ApHC# N581688* Pedigree
Malia's SunDeeStar
REO Speedwagon
A Horsemans Christmas Poem
VETERANS Day - CANINE Heroes Remembrance Poem
My Christmas Wish for ALL DOGS
Pedigree Generator 2
Pedigree generator 3
Free Pedigree Generators online

We have MANY dogs, several breeds and 1 crossbred. Our dogs are our PETS and are NOT "kennel" raised. They enjoy life on the farm and run, play and swim nearly every day, or in winter, they enjoy playing in the snow & on the ice. Their favorite thing of all is when we ALL go on our daily walk in the pastures to the ponds and the creek. We feed alot of RAW meat & bones (mostly beef and chicken) and we also "free feed" dry kibble. Our dogs also enjoy our "table scraps", including both raw and cooked vegetables. (We NEVER feed "Cooked" bones!)

Click Here to go to the "Puppies & Kittens FOR SALE" Page.

Nine of of our dogs - early winter, 2002
Waiting in the yard, for me to come out of the barn...

In Middle/Front is "Tigger". (Miniature Schnauzer)
In Middle/Back is "Abigail" (German Shepherd)
Left to Right: "Lily" (Mini Sch.), "Wookie" (Giant Schnauzer), "Casey" (German Shep), "Beastie" (German Shep), "Ellie" (Giant Sch.), "Chewy" (Giant Sch.), & "Kelpie" (Giant Sch.). *Several of the "big dogs" are young in this picture and not yet full grown.*


Beastie, Sue, Casey, & Jessie

"Sue" our Australian Shepherd female.

"Beastie" our male German Shepherd.

"Lily" one of our Miniature Schnauzer Females.

Dollie & Kaila at Creek.
"Dollie" (old Great Pyrinese) and "Kaila" (German Shepherd pup)

Tigger and Terri
"Tigger" (Mini Schnauzer female) & "Terri" (Australian Shepherd male)

Tucker (Giant Schnauzer) & Kaila (German Shepherd) at creek.

6 April,2004 - Some of the dogs in the creek...

6 April,04- Headed home, across creek

6 April,04 - Some of the dogs in the pasture...

I copied the following from a German Shepherd Dog website:

AKC(American Kennel Club) Titles & Their Meanings

Ch-Champion of Record-earned by gaining 15 points in conformation wins. Points awarded is determined by the number of other entries the winning dog defeats. A dog must win at least two majors (by winning at two different shows under two different judges where there are enough entries defeated to equal 3-5 points by the AKC point system.)

OTCh-Obedience Trial Champion

To earn an obedience title, the dog must have a passing score of 50% of possible points or better, and an overall passing score at three different competitions under three different judges.

CD-Companion Dog (First Level Obedience Competition, basic obedience exercises)
CDX-Companion Dog Excellent (Intermediate Level Obedience Competition, more advanced obedience work)
UD-Utility Dog (Advanced Level Obedience Competition, difficult obedience work, including hand signals)
UDX-The highest obedience degree AKC presently awards

TD-Tracking Dog
TDX-Tracking Dog Excellent
VST-Variable Surface Tracking

HT-Herding Tested
PT-PreTrial Tested
HS-Herding Started
HI-Herding Intermediate
HX-Herding Excellent
HCh-Herding Champion

NA-Novice Agility
OA-Open Agility
AX-Agility Excellent
MX-Master Agility Excellent
NAJ-Novice Agility Jumper
OAJ-Open Agility Jumper
EAJ-Excellent Agility Jumper

AKC Unofficial Titles
CGC-Canine Good Citizen

GSDCA (AKC Parent Club for the German Shepherd Dog) Titles
GV-Grand Victor or Grand Victrix-Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex at the Annual GSDCA National Specialty Show
OV-Obedience Victor or Victrix
Select-Runner-ups to the Best of Breed/Best Opposite Sex at the Annual National Specialty. How many dogs are chosen to receive the Select award is up to the judge, numbers over the years have varied from 7-14, the number of dogs does not have to equal the number of bitches awarded the Select rating.

ROM-Register of Merit-A dog or bitch must earn a number of points specified by the GSDCA rules, and also meet the numbers of champion and major pointed progeny required by GSDCA. The requirements for bitches are less than the requirements for the dogs because males have the opportunity to produce a far larger number of offspring.
ROMC-Canadian ROM
ROM/C-designates that the dog has earned an American and a Canadian ROM.
TT-Temperament Tested
TC-Temperament Certified
AOE-Award of Excellence-A dog must meet qualifications in conformation, obedience, and also be OFA’d to earn this award.

New competitions are being added and rules for competitions change, for the most up to date rules and regulations, check with the AKC and the GSDCA.

Miscellaneous American titles often seen on pedigrees and in advertising.
BIS-Best in Show at an All-Breed Show in conformation.
BISS-Best in Show Specialty (where only dogs of the same breed are competing in conformation)
BOB-Best of Breed
BOS-Best Opposite Sex
BOW-Best of Winners (best between Winners Dog and Winners Bitch in breed conformation class competition) WD-Winners Dog-the winning dog overall of the regular classes of his sex.
WB-Winners Bitch-the winning bitch overall of the regular classes of her sex.
RWD/RWB-Runner up to the winners dog and bitch, if the winner becomes ineligible for the award then the runnerup will receive the points awarded from that show.
Special-A dog that is already a Champion that is competing for Best of Breed only. A Champion cannot compete in the classes where points are earned (because a Champion has already earned them!)
RTD-Registered Therapy Dog
TDI-Dog has passed Therapy Dog International’s testing


OFA-Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
OFA Hip Certifications-dogs within a specified range of normal hip xrays are certified OFA-Excellent, Good, or Fair
OFA-Elbow Certification-Certified by OFA for normal elbows on xray, only one grade recognized as normal. Check with OFA for proper procedures and positioning for hip and elbow xrays. A dog may be preliminary screened at a younger age, but will not receive a certification unless the dog is at least 24 months old.

OFA is also now doing certifications for other canine health concerns such as normal thyroid levels, check with OFA for accurate data and rules concerning these.

CERF-Canine Eye Registry Foundation-dog is certified to have normal eyes. Recertification must be done annually.

VwD-Von Willebrands Disease free-meaning the dog has been tested and found free of VwD, a bleeding disorder, VwD free ratings also are often given with a percentage listed. For the best information on Von Willebrand’s Disease, contact Dr Jean Dodds, who is the leading research specialist in blood disorders.

Hemophilia free, meaning that a dog has been tested and is free of Hemophilia A if it is a male, or is NOT a carrier if it is a female, is sometimes seen (not nearly as often as it should be) in advertising or on pedigrees, meaning the dog does not have Hemophilia A. This problem is exclusively in the lines descending from daughters of Canto vd Wienerau (although spontaneous mutation is always a possibility-as it was with Canto himself). Great Britain has been much more aggressive in testing and eliminating this problem in the breed than any other country.

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AppyHorsey's Appaloosa's & Pets

Appaloosa Horses,   Miniature Appaloosa Horses,
Miniature Jersey Cattle,   Dexter Cattle,  &
Miniature Jersey X Dexter Cross Cattle. 
(Other Breeds & other Critters Occasionally.)

For SALE in Missouri.



This Site built (on 4 November, 2003) and maintained by "AppyHorsey" (Deloris J. Willis) on my Apple iMAC computer!


